Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Caught Body of Lies with the peeps today, and I'd say it was pretty awesome, probably better than Quantum of Solace which doesn't really make any sense to me. Personally, I think the movie was kinda badass. How bad can a movie be if theres the fella from Titanic and the one from Gladiator? Gab and Glenn doesn't think much of the movie, for some reason, hahahah bitches. Mon couldn't get her ass here cause something cropped up. Ariel was pretty late as well.

Went to meet up with Gabriel and Glenn at their place first before heading to chill at Burger King after following Glenn to Pepper Lunch to have his lunch. Asshole, had to wait for him to finish his shit before we could move on. Went to walk around town before meeting up with Ariella. Hah, she's going to Taiwan on Monday, so probably won't be seeing much of her. Went to have Long John's for dinner and talked and talked and talked. Seems easy to talk to them, hah and I enjoy hanging out with them pretty much. Probably meeting up on Sunday again.

Waited for Ariel to buy her Famous Amos cookies so she can binge on them and grow fat, but after we finished waiting for her to queue for her cookehs, she said she had to go. PTTTSH. Then Ariel left at 830 to meet a friend at Taka, and so the 3 of us pretty much just wandered around and talked shit, like we always do.

Enough of my day, I doubt any of you would find it particularly interesting.

What I would really like to discuss would be the magical prowess of the entrance of Popular bookstores. It seems that the special mechanism primarily used for catching thieves may have had some side effects on the customers walking through them. The entrance and perhaps the sensors themselves seems to be able to suck whatever manners or friendliness from some people. While the majority of the people coming through are totally immune from this adverse side effects, it cannot be said for some others, unfortunately.

It is easy to spot those who have been affected by this condition. Firstly, from the moment they enter the store, they will wear a perpetual frown, and they have a look on their unhappy faces as if someone stuck a cucumber up their tushie. Moreover, their IQ may also drop a few points and their vocabulary and communication skills seem to suffer. By that I mean that they appear to forget how to use words like, " help, please, thank you, may you, appreciate. " They would sometimes act like 3 year olds, and this often happens when they are unable to acquire what they came for, very much similar to a 3 year old not being give candy. They whine like animals.

However, for every customer which suffers from this condition, there are also customers that are the complete opposite. I hypothesize that the manners and IQ taken away from the people mentioned above gets given to other people, which may explain some part of this conspiracy. This is a phenomenom that I cannot easily explain, and it may very well take a better part of my remaining 2 weeks or so to provide conclusive evidence regarding this issue.

Alright class dismiss, assholes.

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