Sunday, November 30, 2008


Name : adfdso10 ( pronounced tub sum bong )
Age : 16

What do you want most badly now?

and a paramore concert of course.

What were you thinking awhile ago?
About my pokemon cards.

What was the last thing you regretted doing?
Can't remember, been a long time since I regretted something I did.

Last person that called you?

Last person that messaged you?
Nicole T.

What are you dreading most at the moment?
For a certain mr tan to come up to me tomorrow during work, and yell at me.

How are you feeling now?
Annoyed with the pimple.

What's the most eye-catching item in your room?

Unfinished canvas painting

What do you think of that item?
It's going to stay unfinished unless I wake up one day and feel tremendous inspiration to paint, which is very unlikely.

Are you excited about anything now?
Not particaularly.

What's your strangest dislikes?
Putting on your socks, inside out.

What's your strangest likes?
Sitting on the front seat with nobody beside me, on the top floor of a doubledecker bus. Gives me a weird sense of peace and satisfaction.

What's a quote you can remember now?
Remember kids, everything in hardcore is two sizes too small. HAHAHAHAHA, love the video.

What's the biggest turn off for you in the opposite gender?
Smoking, and big tattoos.

What's the first thing you see on the opposite gender?

What song is playing in your head right now?
The same one that you're hearing. Sunday bloody sunday.

What's one word to describe your day?

What's your favourite band?
mcr, paramore.

Any reasons?
mcr makes me happy and paramore makes me smile.

What do you think of the person who made you do this quiz?
Mentally challenged. HAHAHA, bitch.

What's your favourite colours and why?
Black and white, things are simpler this way.

Who do you miss most right now?
Delon. Actually not, hahahahaha! Just remembered my dream of him and weikit fishing.

Who do you confide in?
I don't confide in anyone.

Who's your closest friend?
All equally close.

How did your blog address come about?
Long story. Hahaha, came from a conversation with leonard, and zhenhao. Wanted it to be saturdaymornings, but some person already took it. We were talking about an address just before twelve, and coincidentally 12 is an important number for me.

Do you like your name?
Pretty much.

What's your nickname?
Don't have one, unless you count the... NEVERMIND.

What's the last mistake you made?
Punched my card wrongly, because of Shaohwee the ff.

15 things people don't know about you? Got this from Delon.

1. Studies art outside.
2. Earpieces don't fit into my ear properly.
3. When I was a kid, I sleep walked once, and went to pee on the television set.
4. I can cook spaghetti.
5. I use conditioner from time to time.
6. I secretly like taking photos of stuff.
7. I sketch the view from my window, when I got nothing to do.
8. I eat alot of chocolates.
9. I hate eating animal skin.
10. I adore jackass, but not wildboyz.
11. Brown is my favourite colour behind black and white.
12. I support the greater Manchester side, Manchester City.
13. I support the greater London side, Tottenham Hotspurs.
14. Brunettes > blondes.
15. Graduation was a significant day for me.

10 people?

Basically, to everyone who has read this post, I have already exposed my innnermost self to you. Yes, this quiz has been very personal, and I hope you will return the favour, so I can go back to your blog and understand you a little better. So, in essence, you owe me.

Whoever does not blog this quiz, after reading it, will find that they will lose all their hair in 7 days.

taken from,

" like 5 days a week all spent working. but at least theres e and ting. and we can try to hook up with pretty customers, and stuff like that. ahah. ",

for the record, I do not do that FFS. Shaohwee has issues, which explains the change of name.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hello, pictures so that you guys still remember how I look like

The face I give when Theodon touches my ass. I don't know why, but people enjoy touching my ass.

The face I give when I touch Theodon's ass. I don't know why, but people don't enjoy touching his ass.

Shaohwee, also know as Theodon or THE DON, as some of our colleages affectionately calls him, cannot differentiate women from girls. He considers 40 plus females girls, and thus, when he says girls, I don't really know which customer he is referring to. Since girls refers to young females, I can only conclude that Shaohwee's understanding of young, does not coincide with mine. And this may explain the... OH SHIT, nevermind.

Maybe some of you are expecting pictures of Theodon, but I realise that his picture, is Not Safe For Work, as the level of gaiety is beyond description. Thus, for the convinience of all of you people whose computers are open to everyone, I have since decided not to post his picture.

Okay shit, I don't have his picture lah. *&%#%^$(&*^(*

Tomorrow would be my off day, so I get to rest myself. Sulky wasn't as bad today as she was yesterday. If I can, I would show you a picture of her as well.

Oh, and Decode played today during work. Gonna be one of the most exicitng 4min 25secs of the day at work. I'm so into Decode now, wow Paramore, best band headed by a female vocalist.

Now, Shaohwee's getting all pissy with me because he's a perv. Fuck you Shaohwee.

Anyway, Shaohwee and me still cannot decide on what to buy yanchang, since his birthday is already over, I don't think it matters if the present arrive 5 weeks late or something. I was thinking of buying him baby shoes from the store next door, or maybe baby shirts or something. I want to get him something he has absolutely no fucking use for.

I know I've said I wanted to stop saying fuck, and I have! I think all the vulgar-ness is overhyped and made worse by hiphop and stuff. I believe that if you use it in an affectionate tone, then it's okay.

Anyway, talking about babies, I love babies, why can't they just never grow up. There are often many babies in Popular, some are angels, cute and quiet, and I swear you'd want to hug them. Others are spawns of the devil. They cry and whine and run over things and bang onto people, their heads touching your thighs. HAHAHA, still cute. And babies have the smoothest hair, especially little girls. I'm not phedo of whatever LMAOOOOOOO, I just like little kids, whats there not to like?

This post is kinda schlong, and therefore I think I'm going to end it here. Goodbye.

P.S. I think I've lost my ability to write properly.

Friday, November 28, 2008


Hey people. I've been blogging rather regurlarly these days, and I don't know why. I think I'm going to blog about the quiz tomorrow or something. I've never really been into blogging, and I started a blog, so everyone would think I'm so cool.

Seems mandatory that I include something about work again today. Oh oh oh, I hear the " Oh, shit not again. "

Sulky came today, and so it's boring. Shizz, I don't like Sulky much. And it's Tinghao's day off tomorrow. BORING. Lucky ff is coming tomorrow, at least I'll have someone to have fun with.

Anyway, the last post, I said I was good at pretending.
I realised that it put me in a very negative light. I believe that better words would be, to be able to behave appropriately. Yes, very well.

LMAO, just had conversation with Delon. Laughed so hard, my head hurts.

Delon Ho - says:
you, weikit, leonard, zhenhao
edmund edmund edmund says:
edmund edmund edmund says:
and delon
Delon Ho - says:
edmund edmund edmund says:
okay six
Delon Ho - says:
then still got which other guys
edmund edmund edmund says:
no more
edmund edmund edmund says:
edmund edmund edmund says:
i dont rememer any more guys LOL
Delon Ho - says:
Delon Ho - says:
edmund edmund edmund says:
Delon Ho - says:
Delon Ho - says:
Delon Ho - says:
edmund edmund edmund says:
edmund edmund edmund says:
edmund edmund edmund says:
Delon Ho - says:
Delon Ho - says:
girls leh
Delon Ho - says:
zoe, jasmine, aina, berlinda,
Delon Ho - says:
Delon Ho - says:
edmund edmund edmund says:
who the fuck is that
Delon Ho - says:
Delon Ho - says:
Delon Ho - says:
or whoever
Delon Ho - says:
Delon Ho - says:

Good times, good times. Delon, HAHAHA! I remembered I laughed so hurt when I first saw it, I almost peeed myself.

Goodnight animals.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gay old man.

I've deleted the previous quiz post as I deem it too personal, HAHAHAHA. Will repost it another time.

After nearly 2 weeks working, I have come to a conclusion about myself. I become irritable and pissed whenever I work alone, without Tinghao and Shaohwee. It is a phenomenom I cannot explain. Today, I had to work alone, because it was Tinghao's rest day, and Shaohwee had to go put his bracers and whatever. Oh by the way, I hope your teeth are hurting real bad now, Shaohwee, you ff.

This morning, I decided to give myself a treat, and bought the usual from starbucks, Signature Iced Chocolate for me, and went to the sixth floor to enjoy it. I think that, the chocolate drink, coupled with the annoyingly lazy customers, made my head hurt. Okay, I may sound like I don't like the customers, but in reality, I pretend to be very nice and courteous. Yes I'm capable of pretending, as Yanchang's mum found out. Yanchang's mum think's I'm very well-mannered and polite and that Tinghao is impolite, tsk tsk Jackie. I'm such an angel.

Today, a customer said something to me that shocked me a little. It's a man of maybe 40 smth, or older.

me : " Oh, sorry mister, this assessment book only comes in this format, I'm afraid to say we don't have what you want. "

man : " It's okay, thank you very much. "

me : walks away

man : " Hey, do you sing? "

me : " Huh, what? Uhhh no. "

man : " You should, you have a nice voice. Can join talent contest. "

me : thinking, " LMAO, GAY OLD MAN. "

Okay, and now I'm back home, binging on the chocolate heaven ice cream. Consuming the ice cream made my head feel better. Guess whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

I've gotta work tomorrow again, pttsssh. Okay, it's not that bad, but today was so boring without the 2 bitches, that it makes ms tan's lessons seem moderately interesting. Alright, gotta go now, bye.

P.S. I really hope Shaohwee's teeth are aching so bad >:)

Monday, November 24, 2008


best ever.

I know I'm usually black and white with the photos, but I think the photo has already been edited, and it's prettier with colours.

Was feeling unwell yesterday, feeling discomfort in my stomach. Went to the doctors in the morning and said it's probably due to food, or stress and axiety. Work must be making me so stressed out, HAHAHA. But I don't think so, cause I've never had this problem, and I've been under much more stress than this, baaaaaah.

Gonna go chill now, bye

P.S. I want a guinea pig so bad ):
P.P.S. The song is live, and unedited, so it's pretty soft, and inperfect. But that's the way I like it.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I used to know you so well.

Work has been pretty good, colleagues are nice, customers are mostly nice as well. I don't know why but I feel like I don't work to earn money, I'm not motiavated by the money at all. I think i like meeting new people everyday and just passing time. Hahahahaha, okay shaohwee gave himself the name Theodon. Okay, so Theodon and Jackie and I have been working for around a week now, and I think working, has made me much more mature and all. >:)

Breaktimes I usually spend working around the mall or just sitting around and observing things, but most of the time, I'd visit the Pet Safari to take a look at the little rodents there. I want a Bunny or a Guinea Pig so badlyyyyy, they're so cuddly. (: The bunny is at around 200 or so, and the Guinea Pig's at 80. They're both from Hollandddddd. Normally my breaktime doesn't meet with Theodon or Jackie, so I'm so lonely during lunch and dinner. ):

I want to visit Bishan, where I use to live 7 years back, and go take a look at my old apartment and visit my friends from kcpps. I don't keep in contact with any of them anymore since I've shifted but I think I remember where they live, HAHAHAA.

" Hello! I'm Edmund! Rememberrrrrr? I used to be the general and you, the king lah! and the Digimon we used to playyyy? "

I've wanted to visit since secondary 2 but I never got to do it. This time I'm going back, I'm promising myself. I've a very strong attraction to Bishan. It's the place I raised my first hamsters, the place I had my first pet salamander, and the place where I watched Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Anyone rememeber mighty morphin power rangers? I miss my uncle too. He used to take me out every holidays, and buy me toys. Now I'm older, we don't really contact anymore. My uncle's around 38 or 40, I want to ask him out again, I'm promising myself. I don't know about anyone else but for me, people close to me when I'm young, usually mean alot to me, especially primary school people. Maybe when I'm 20, I'd miss my secondary school bros more, but that can wait till then. I barely have pictures of my primary school friends at all. ):

The reason I don't pine for secondary school friends so much is probably they're much closer, within reach, and we more together. I miss the times we had in ncc, very much now, hahaha. Ncc brought so much togetherness.

I don't know why I'm blogging all these. You know before you sleep at night, while lying in your bed, in the dark? You'd think about stuff? These are the stuff I've been thinking about.

Hahahaha, happy holidays
stay beautiful, people. (:

P.S. Paramore has a new single, Decode, official soundtrack for Twilight.
oh hayley, I have a crush on you *(:

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Famous Last Words and Dead!

I don't know if it's only me or something, but i thought it was amazing for these songs to be played on paino.

"Famous Last Words."
By ear, damn, this girl's very good.

Both Dead! and Face Down was pretty fast and his fingers are doing totally differnent stuff lol, I don't know I'm not a paino player, but since I can't draw circles on one hand and square with another one properly, I'd say that doing the two songs are pretty hard.


"Face down."