Saturday, October 31, 2009

I'm not sleeping enough

My computer is pretty fucked up, something went wrong and after a few restarts my itunes apparently uninstalled itself. It's really stupid to be honest.

I've been sleeping alot lately. I like that I can now take my time to walk around, take my time to shower, take my time to do whatever. But going to be crazy busy come Novmember/December with the Division 4 League and the U19 competition. It's going to be some crazy months. The way I like it.

Chinese A levels on Monday, but I don't seem to have any mood to do papers, or to do anything for that matter.

Oh I've been sleeping alot these days, maybe it's because I don't sleep enough on weekdays. I don;t sleep enough because I stay up late for nothing. That's not a very good thing right?

Lost Cheryl's charger in school when I left it hanging around on Friday, but she said she found it today. Not really the point, but the point is Karma is good. Must have been something good that I did recently. Righttttt, we taupoked Kevin, that has to be it.

I don't think I've been sleeping enough recently, and it's not because of any work that I have to do. I just don't feel like sleeping when I'm free late at night, and then I wake up feeling drowsy the next day.

I like the rain smell. Do you get what I mean?

I'm not getting enough sleep.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Karma bites, and it leaves a bitter taste at the back of your mouth

I'm confined to the house because of my untimely illnesses. I feel like shit, really.

On Facebook a few days ago, I saw the secondary 4s’ graduation day pictures. I didn’t really go into the albums because I don’t know them well. I just thought hard, pretty hard. I think their graduation was the same day as ours. 16 October right.

I remember the queuing at the parade square.
I remember the videos at the hall.
I remember the water guns.

Then I couldn’t remember much more. I know e5 was just beside us so we and the dudes went over for quite abit. But you know, that was pretty much it. Then I thought about Huang lao shi quite abit. Wow, he sure did help us quite abit didn’t he. I was sleeping through his lessons every single fucking day when I was in secondary 3.

Then Kevin keeps talking about this downstairs that he goes to everyday to hang out with his neighbourhood buddies. I keep asking myself what that was, how is it I don’t have any of them.

Then today, just when I was showering, I realized. I realize many things in the shower, it’s not just me right?

Anyway, I remembered that I did indeed have a “downstairs” to go to. When I was still living in Bishan. Bishan is so much more fun to live in than Sengkang. Sengkang is fucking shit I tell you, it doesn’t give you warm heartland love. I use to go to the playground every single day before I moved to Sengkang in 2004. I can’t recall much. But the playground used to be sandy, and then they changed it to rubber. I remember Suan Hin; he was my best buddy then. I heard he went to Catholic High, and then now I’m not sure. It’s funny how I remember exactly how he looks like when I left Bishan. Then there was this bigass park at the back of my house. Man, there used to a load of people there when there were festivals and stuff. I remember lantern festivals the most.

Oh yeah, talking about lanterns, Gab, Glenn and me used to build hugeass fires at my grandmother’s void deck during lantern festival. Fun as fuck!

What’s the point of a blog if you’re just going to talk about things that people will know or probably will know that you’re doing. I say I like blogging about my past.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


I read through my entire journal yesterday and seeing that there are only 41 posts, it didn’t really take me very long. God damn, there’re really sososososo many things I’m missing right now.

I’ve kinda forgotten how work feels like. I know I didn’t really like it, but working with the two other peeps kept me prettaye happy, I guess. It’s a little weird reading our posts that you don’t even remember writing.

I use to have another journal, but I deleted it after I made this one. It makes me wonder how I would feel if I were to read what I did actually talk about then. Wow, must have lots of embarrassing stuff. What if this journal were to be here till I’m 70? That’ll be pretty awesome. Weird, but this were the kind of stuff I thought about when I read my own journal again.

Hafiz sent me a message a week or so back, during his early morning run. He told me about how much fun we used to have when they came over to Sengkang. I can hardly remember anything about it. Secondary 2 was good. Good old fun.

I’m not really doing much now; I don’t feel like sleeping just yet.

This post must sound really boringass.
