Alex says:
Hello friends, Alex's here. I'm setting up a tuition centre at Yishun ChongPang central. If you have any sec 3/4 students asking for e/a maths. chem, bio tuition do let me know ;D
I said something I can't rememeber.
Alex says:
Hey darling help me leave a friendster comment on my centre's friendster. I lurbe euu only euu noe.
I said something I can't remember.
Alex says:
Hahaha fuck u ingrate !!!!!
Alex was my Amaths and Emaths tutor this year, and he'd come to my place twice a week to watch soccer and tell me about his soccer bettings, opps, I mean to tutor me Maths. He's more of a big brother actually. Now, I kinda miss him and his bullshit. Chances are that I'd probably not see him anytime soon.
Also, I met Delon in Kovan a few days back. It goes like this. I was walking through the Kovan mrt station underpass and as usual, there's a horde or people going in the opposite direction. So as I was walking I suddenly heard someone shout out a short, deep and raspy " Edmund! "
Memory prickled and I turned and saw Delon right there, still a few cm's shorter than me. Man, it has been so long since I've seen him in real life. After he said his first words I knew I was talking to my P5 sit-next-to-me buddy. Caught up a little bit before promising to meet up sometime. He said I look like a businessman in my t-shirt and shorts, going to my cousins' place.
Anyway, his first two words after I turned around turned out to be, " Ehhhh, fucker! "
I found out that of all the different races or customers I have served in Popular, and I've served chinese, malays, indians, korean, japanese and god knows what. I can safely say that Malay customers are the friendliest. They pat your back, in a "good job" manner and they don't call you "eh" or "oi". They called me by my name, after looking at my nametag. I've only had 3 customers which turned out to be malay, call me like that. It kinda feels good when they call you by your name.
Had been half-thinking about piercing my lip after seeing Josh from Paramore with it, but scrapped the idea pretty quickly because my parents would probably burn the house down, cut me open and eat my insides if I were to do it. And there'd be a funny hole on the bottom left-side lip if I do get to jc. Lastly, I'd probably regret in 10 years' time. SHIZZ, I can't believe I actually entertained such thoughts like piercing. I'm going to meditate to clense myself right now.
I've been thinking of getting an iphone or an ipod touch with my pay. But I can't really decide which one I want to get, since I'm also going to have to change my phone. Theodon's got his macbook, Jacky's saving his pay till the day he gets married, and I want to get either of this hawt stuff.
Saw a Black Sabbath Converse music collection sneaker at vivo a few days back and I thought of getting it, once I get my pay. Gosh, now I'm kinda turned on thinking about the money I'll be getting. Was thinking of getting the black or the white-ish one at the back.

Fuck, I sound like a girl now, I hope I'm not gay. Okay goodnight and go to sleep guys.
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