2008 had been beautiful year. There was some ups and downs but there were many more ups. 2008 is probably going to be the year I'm going to miss most, even more than 2004, when I graduated from primary school.
08 was just so wonderful. School had been great, and I had so much, so much fun during ncc, and with the bros. People grow closer and it really has been a very heartening year. It kinda made me feel strange knowing that after we get our results we'd be pretty much going our seperate ways. I won't be seeing like Tinghao or Theodon every other day. Instead it'd be like every other month. I'm kinda excited about meeting new people and all, but it just feels a little funny. Everyone feels like that, I'm sure of that.
There's so much to write about 2008, but detailing it all down would be crazy. Anyway, the fondest things are kept as memories. I'm so looking forward to 09!
2008 was the year I'd very much rememeber forever.
I love you people.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Keeping faith, having heart.
Jacky : " Edmund, look how cool I am now. "
Theodon thinks : " I'm artsy, are you? "
Edmund : " BALLS! "
Jacky : " Huh? "
Yanchang : *clutches tightly*
Casey: " Give me a reason to believe. "
Casey : *Flashes innocently* " Huh? "
Yanchang : " OMFG. Better hide them! "
Edmund : " PPPTSSH. "
Yanchang have appeared to be about to sneeze, but in actual fact, I think he's enjoying my touch.
Yanchang : *SPITS*
Casey : " Useless @^$%#&^$%@ "
Edmund : " That was a great piss. "
Jacky : " Huh? You're shitting me right? I just swallowed some.. "
Yanchang sings : " I believe I can fly. "
Casey : " I'm Casillas! "
Edmund : " That went far, dude. "
Jacky : " So you still think you're cooler than me? "
Edmund : " Okay, I want a badass sandcastle, complete with swimming pool, electricity, two porsches, and a dragon. OMFG, MORE SAND, MORE SAND, MORE SAND! "
Edmund : " Wahlao, why the flash so bright? "
Kexuan : " What happening? " *smiles*
Edmund : *forces shy smile*
Theodon : " Cannot take it lah, the flash! "
Yanchang : " HEHEHEHE. "
Kexuan : " What happening? " *smiles*
Edmund : " Can. "
Kexuan : " What happening? " *smiles*
The above pictures are taken on 26/12/08.
All but the last three pictures were also candid. None of the actual conversations actually took place.
It was all entirely made up, and any smilarities are purely coincidental.
It was from Yanchang's 8.1 PIXOR phone, but I'll post Kexuan's pictures soon.
Okay, I hope the above entertained you for a minute or so. So, go waste your time and electricity on someone elses' blog now.
Monday, December 22, 2008
I don't usually describe things as sweet, but I came across this website that has an online story and I was kinda drawn to the story. Maybe it's not awesome or brilliant like some books but it has the local allure that I love. This are the kind of stories that makes me want to start writing stories. Now I kinda know how Yenling feels when she writes those wonderful stories.
I think the stories' sweet and teenagers will probably like it. It has the correct amount of twist and has this perfect flow. The website only gives about half the story so I think I'll be purchasing the book. There's only one place in Singapore that sells it, and it's a Plaza Singapura's Toy Outpost. Damn I was there a few weeks back.
Anyway I certainly liked the story enough to want to buy the book which is valued roughly at 15 moolahs. And I hope you readers that clicks the link below likes it as much as I did.
I think the stories' sweet and teenagers will probably like it. It has the correct amount of twist and has this perfect flow. The website only gives about half the story so I think I'll be purchasing the book. There's only one place in Singapore that sells it, and it's a Plaza Singapura's Toy Outpost. Damn I was there a few weeks back.
Anyway I certainly liked the story enough to want to buy the book which is valued roughly at 15 moolahs. And I hope you readers that clicks the link below likes it as much as I did.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Creaky Boards.
Alex sent me this few messages awhile ago. He was so nice at first. ): Below are his exact words.
Alex says:
Hello friends, Alex's here. I'm setting up a tuition centre at Yishun ChongPang central. If you have any sec 3/4 students asking for e/a maths. chem, bio tuition do let me know ;D
I said something I can't rememeber.
Alex says:
Hey darling help me leave a friendster comment on my centre's friendster. I lurbe euu only euu noe.
I said something I can't remember.
Alex says:
Hahaha fuck u ingrate !!!!!
Alex was my Amaths and Emaths tutor this year, and he'd come to my place twice a week to watch soccer and tell me about his soccer bettings, opps, I mean to tutor me Maths. He's more of a big brother actually. Now, I kinda miss him and his bullshit. Chances are that I'd probably not see him anytime soon.
Also, I met Delon in Kovan a few days back. It goes like this. I was walking through the Kovan mrt station underpass and as usual, there's a horde or people going in the opposite direction. So as I was walking I suddenly heard someone shout out a short, deep and raspy " Edmund! "
Memory prickled and I turned and saw Delon right there, still a few cm's shorter than me. Man, it has been so long since I've seen him in real life. After he said his first words I knew I was talking to my P5 sit-next-to-me buddy. Caught up a little bit before promising to meet up sometime. He said I look like a businessman in my t-shirt and shorts, going to my cousins' place.
Anyway, his first two words after I turned around turned out to be, " Ehhhh, fucker! "
I found out that of all the different races or customers I have served in Popular, and I've served chinese, malays, indians, korean, japanese and god knows what. I can safely say that Malay customers are the friendliest. They pat your back, in a "good job" manner and they don't call you "eh" or "oi". They called me by my name, after looking at my nametag. I've only had 3 customers which turned out to be malay, call me like that. It kinda feels good when they call you by your name.
Had been half-thinking about piercing my lip after seeing Josh from Paramore with it, but scrapped the idea pretty quickly because my parents would probably burn the house down, cut me open and eat my insides if I were to do it. And there'd be a funny hole on the bottom left-side lip if I do get to jc. Lastly, I'd probably regret in 10 years' time. SHIZZ, I can't believe I actually entertained such thoughts like piercing. I'm going to meditate to clense myself right now.
I've been thinking of getting an iphone or an ipod touch with my pay. But I can't really decide which one I want to get, since I'm also going to have to change my phone. Theodon's got his macbook, Jacky's saving his pay till the day he gets married, and I want to get either of this hawt stuff.
Saw a Black Sabbath Converse music collection sneaker at vivo a few days back and I thought of getting it, once I get my pay. Gosh, now I'm kinda turned on thinking about the money I'll be getting. Was thinking of getting the black or the white-ish one at the back.
Fuck, I sound like a girl now, I hope I'm not gay. Okay goodnight and go to sleep guys.
Alex says:
Hello friends, Alex's here. I'm setting up a tuition centre at Yishun ChongPang central. If you have any sec 3/4 students asking for e/a maths. chem, bio tuition do let me know ;D
I said something I can't rememeber.
Alex says:
Hey darling help me leave a friendster comment on my centre's friendster. I lurbe euu only euu noe.
I said something I can't remember.
Alex says:
Hahaha fuck u ingrate !!!!!
Alex was my Amaths and Emaths tutor this year, and he'd come to my place twice a week to watch soccer and tell me about his soccer bettings, opps, I mean to tutor me Maths. He's more of a big brother actually. Now, I kinda miss him and his bullshit. Chances are that I'd probably not see him anytime soon.
Also, I met Delon in Kovan a few days back. It goes like this. I was walking through the Kovan mrt station underpass and as usual, there's a horde or people going in the opposite direction. So as I was walking I suddenly heard someone shout out a short, deep and raspy " Edmund! "
Memory prickled and I turned and saw Delon right there, still a few cm's shorter than me. Man, it has been so long since I've seen him in real life. After he said his first words I knew I was talking to my P5 sit-next-to-me buddy. Caught up a little bit before promising to meet up sometime. He said I look like a businessman in my t-shirt and shorts, going to my cousins' place.
Anyway, his first two words after I turned around turned out to be, " Ehhhh, fucker! "
I found out that of all the different races or customers I have served in Popular, and I've served chinese, malays, indians, korean, japanese and god knows what. I can safely say that Malay customers are the friendliest. They pat your back, in a "good job" manner and they don't call you "eh" or "oi". They called me by my name, after looking at my nametag. I've only had 3 customers which turned out to be malay, call me like that. It kinda feels good when they call you by your name.
Had been half-thinking about piercing my lip after seeing Josh from Paramore with it, but scrapped the idea pretty quickly because my parents would probably burn the house down, cut me open and eat my insides if I were to do it. And there'd be a funny hole on the bottom left-side lip if I do get to jc. Lastly, I'd probably regret in 10 years' time. SHIZZ, I can't believe I actually entertained such thoughts like piercing. I'm going to meditate to clense myself right now.
I've been thinking of getting an iphone or an ipod touch with my pay. But I can't really decide which one I want to get, since I'm also going to have to change my phone. Theodon's got his macbook, Jacky's saving his pay till the day he gets married, and I want to get either of this hawt stuff.
Saw a Black Sabbath Converse music collection sneaker at vivo a few days back and I thought of getting it, once I get my pay. Gosh, now I'm kinda turned on thinking about the money I'll be getting. Was thinking of getting the black or the white-ish one at the back.

Fuck, I sound like a girl now, I hope I'm not gay. Okay goodnight and go to sleep guys.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Even the stars refuse to shine.
Remember when you take a nap in the afternoon, and wake up not knowing if its evening or morning?
Remember when you go to your room and forgot what you wanted?
Remember when you had a really good dream interupted, and hoped that it continued and it did?
Remember when your on a moving train, and you look at the train opposite you and you don't know if it's moving?
Remember when left remote control in the refrigerator?
Remember when you took the train on the wrong side?
Remember when you couldn't tell if something was real or something that happened in your dreams?
Remember when people say they hear stuff from you, you don't remember saying?
Work's been alright this few days, and Theodon's been fucking entertaining, and Jacky's been, just Tinghao. I hope tomorrow's going to be alright.
Anyway, I've got a story for you guys.
On Monday, when Jacky's having his off day, something very cute happened in Popular. I call it cute, but you guys may think it's kinda gross, but anyway, on Monday, a little boy and his mum came to Popular to browse at some pens/pencils and stuff, which happens to be Theodon's department. Then the little boy did something really funny.
Then Theodon kinda freaked out, and had to mop it up. IMAGINE MOPPING PEE. OMGWTFBBQ, that's fucking funny man. And in front of all the customers, but anyway most of them didn't know it's pee. I don't know if the boy pulled off his pants to pee or something, nor does Theodon.
Theodon, " The boy's not toilet-trained. " LMAOOOOOO.
Mini movie marathon with Gab and Glenn and watched Wanted and Meet the Spartans, before catching Yesman today. Yesman was pretty good in my opinion. I'm so shagged after today, and I need an early night.
Remember when you go to your room and forgot what you wanted?
Remember when you had a really good dream interupted, and hoped that it continued and it did?
Remember when your on a moving train, and you look at the train opposite you and you don't know if it's moving?
Remember when left remote control in the refrigerator?
Remember when you took the train on the wrong side?
Remember when you couldn't tell if something was real or something that happened in your dreams?
Remember when people say they hear stuff from you, you don't remember saying?
Work's been alright this few days, and Theodon's been fucking entertaining, and Jacky's been, just Tinghao. I hope tomorrow's going to be alright.
Anyway, I've got a story for you guys.
On Monday, when Jacky's having his off day, something very cute happened in Popular. I call it cute, but you guys may think it's kinda gross, but anyway, on Monday, a little boy and his mum came to Popular to browse at some pens/pencils and stuff, which happens to be Theodon's department. Then the little boy did something really funny.
Then Theodon kinda freaked out, and had to mop it up. IMAGINE MOPPING PEE. OMGWTFBBQ, that's fucking funny man. And in front of all the customers, but anyway most of them didn't know it's pee. I don't know if the boy pulled off his pants to pee or something, nor does Theodon.
Theodon, " The boy's not toilet-trained. " LMAOOOOOO.
Mini movie marathon with Gab and Glenn and watched Wanted and Meet the Spartans, before catching Yesman today. Yesman was pretty good in my opinion. I'm so shagged after today, and I need an early night.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Close your eyes and make believe.
For some reason I felt like meeting Taufik today, and I prayed and prayed and God answered my prayers. Dreams do come true afterall.

This kinda sums up my day. Taufik came to Eastpoint, and God answering my prayers, decided to make the multimedia lady bring me to help her sell his albums, and blah blah blah I got to take a picture with him, as well as a dozen of his signed posters which were all given out. One of the few perks this job has to offer. He sang three songs live and spoke quite abit. But there was nothing I could understand because it was all in Malay, since his new album was entirely in malay.
My day was kinda great, how was yours?
P.S. Theodon, I hope you shit yourself when you see this. >:)

This kinda sums up my day. Taufik came to Eastpoint, and God answering my prayers, decided to make the multimedia lady bring me to help her sell his albums, and blah blah blah I got to take a picture with him, as well as a dozen of his signed posters which were all given out. One of the few perks this job has to offer. He sang three songs live and spoke quite abit. But there was nothing I could understand because it was all in Malay, since his new album was entirely in malay.
My day was kinda great, how was yours?
P.S. Theodon, I hope you shit yourself when you see this. >:)
Saturday, December 13, 2008

" A surprise party? For meeeeee? You shouldn't have. "
Bought it yesterday and finished it today, and I must say that gerard's live singing has definitely become better, and I think the whole dvd was fucking awesome. My Chemical Romance have concerts that are more grand than Paramore, and they have fire and pyrotechnics and stuff like that. BADASS. And the untitled song which turned out to be Stay was great live as well. Kinda thought Gerard would sing lousier live. Ray Toro was amazing by the guitars, fuck, he's so good.
My Chemical Romance have two brothers in Gerard and Mikey Way, and Paramore has two brothers in Zac and Josh Farro. They both released great post-album singles in Decode and Stay. They're probably more similar than I thought, and I think they'll both produce insanely good albums in 2009.
Glenn called my place after leaving 38 missed calls on my phone. I couldn't hear the phone because I was watching the dvd. LOLZ, my phone almost died vibrating. He wanted to go catch some moviez, but Ariel had stuff to do and Gabriel was being a prat. So, went to Gab's place to chill for abit. And he has got cookehs!
Just heard from Tinghao that Theodon wasn't feeling too well during work and had to leave at 7. I hope the Popular entrance didn't suck his brains too. ): I guess he's probably sick or something. Guess I can't touch his ass tomorrow then.
I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
Well, it goes like this, the fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Goodnight to you.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
If I could, I'd show you how to build your fences, set restrictions.

Finished listening to all their live songs, and the DVD of the last ever performance of the Riot! tour, and I've got to say it was awesome man. I love the way how Hayley sings so well live.
Good bands have a couple of songs you like, great bands make you like them.
I love the intro to the DVD so much, looks like Theodon wasn't shitting away when he said that it was his favourite part.
My Heart, live. Paramore sounds better live than recorded in my opinion.
Oh glory, such fragile, broken things.
Paramour, secret lover.
It's pretty late now, and I'm sooooo into paramore right now.
Theodon and I both got the " The Final RIOT! " Paramore DVD. He got it a few days before me, and being like the good sport he always is, didn't spoil the show for me. I think the DVD was pretty kickass, I absolutely loved it.
Hayley sings the best live, even better than OneRepublic I daresay.
I'm pretty shagged right now, and I think I'd head to bed. But before I do that, I'd treat you guys with a picture, which I'll probably blog about tomorrow.
Ponder about it. Think dear, think.

From left, Jacky looking bemused, Jay Chou picture, Jay Chou poster, Jay Chou picture, Theodon experiencing an uh, uncomfortable moment. >:)
It's pretty late now, and I'm sooooo into paramore right now.
Theodon and I both got the " The Final RIOT! " Paramore DVD. He got it a few days before me, and being like the good sport he always is, didn't spoil the show for me. I think the DVD was pretty kickass, I absolutely loved it.
Hayley sings the best live, even better than OneRepublic I daresay.
I'm pretty shagged right now, and I think I'd head to bed. But before I do that, I'd treat you guys with a picture, which I'll probably blog about tomorrow.
Ponder about it. Think dear, think.

From left, Jacky looking bemused, Jay Chou picture, Jay Chou poster, Jay Chou picture, Theodon experiencing an uh, uncomfortable moment. >:)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Caught Body of Lies with the peeps today, and I'd say it was pretty awesome, probably better than Quantum of Solace which doesn't really make any sense to me. Personally, I think the movie was kinda badass. How bad can a movie be if theres the fella from Titanic and the one from Gladiator? Gab and Glenn doesn't think much of the movie, for some reason, hahahah bitches. Mon couldn't get her ass here cause something cropped up. Ariel was pretty late as well.
Went to meet up with Gabriel and Glenn at their place first before heading to chill at Burger King after following Glenn to Pepper Lunch to have his lunch. Asshole, had to wait for him to finish his shit before we could move on. Went to walk around town before meeting up with Ariella. Hah, she's going to Taiwan on Monday, so probably won't be seeing much of her. Went to have Long John's for dinner and talked and talked and talked. Seems easy to talk to them, hah and I enjoy hanging out with them pretty much. Probably meeting up on Sunday again.
Waited for Ariel to buy her Famous Amos cookies so she can binge on them and grow fat, but after we finished waiting for her to queue for her cookehs, she said she had to go. PTTTSH. Then Ariel left at 830 to meet a friend at Taka, and so the 3 of us pretty much just wandered around and talked shit, like we always do.
Enough of my day, I doubt any of you would find it particularly interesting.
What I would really like to discuss would be the magical prowess of the entrance of Popular bookstores. It seems that the special mechanism primarily used for catching thieves may have had some side effects on the customers walking through them. The entrance and perhaps the sensors themselves seems to be able to suck whatever manners or friendliness from some people. While the majority of the people coming through are totally immune from this adverse side effects, it cannot be said for some others, unfortunately.
It is easy to spot those who have been affected by this condition. Firstly, from the moment they enter the store, they will wear a perpetual frown, and they have a look on their unhappy faces as if someone stuck a cucumber up their tushie. Moreover, their IQ may also drop a few points and their vocabulary and communication skills seem to suffer. By that I mean that they appear to forget how to use words like, " help, please, thank you, may you, appreciate. " They would sometimes act like 3 year olds, and this often happens when they are unable to acquire what they came for, very much similar to a 3 year old not being give candy. They whine like animals.
However, for every customer which suffers from this condition, there are also customers that are the complete opposite. I hypothesize that the manners and IQ taken away from the people mentioned above gets given to other people, which may explain some part of this conspiracy. This is a phenomenom that I cannot easily explain, and it may very well take a better part of my remaining 2 weeks or so to provide conclusive evidence regarding this issue.
Alright class dismiss, assholes.
Went to meet up with Gabriel and Glenn at their place first before heading to chill at Burger King after following Glenn to Pepper Lunch to have his lunch. Asshole, had to wait for him to finish his shit before we could move on. Went to walk around town before meeting up with Ariella. Hah, she's going to Taiwan on Monday, so probably won't be seeing much of her. Went to have Long John's for dinner and talked and talked and talked. Seems easy to talk to them, hah and I enjoy hanging out with them pretty much. Probably meeting up on Sunday again.
Waited for Ariel to buy her Famous Amos cookies so she can binge on them and grow fat, but after we finished waiting for her to queue for her cookehs, she said she had to go. PTTTSH. Then Ariel left at 830 to meet a friend at Taka, and so the 3 of us pretty much just wandered around and talked shit, like we always do.
Enough of my day, I doubt any of you would find it particularly interesting.
What I would really like to discuss would be the magical prowess of the entrance of Popular bookstores. It seems that the special mechanism primarily used for catching thieves may have had some side effects on the customers walking through them. The entrance and perhaps the sensors themselves seems to be able to suck whatever manners or friendliness from some people. While the majority of the people coming through are totally immune from this adverse side effects, it cannot be said for some others, unfortunately.
It is easy to spot those who have been affected by this condition. Firstly, from the moment they enter the store, they will wear a perpetual frown, and they have a look on their unhappy faces as if someone stuck a cucumber up their tushie. Moreover, their IQ may also drop a few points and their vocabulary and communication skills seem to suffer. By that I mean that they appear to forget how to use words like, " help, please, thank you, may you, appreciate. " They would sometimes act like 3 year olds, and this often happens when they are unable to acquire what they came for, very much similar to a 3 year old not being give candy. They whine like animals.
However, for every customer which suffers from this condition, there are also customers that are the complete opposite. I hypothesize that the manners and IQ taken away from the people mentioned above gets given to other people, which may explain some part of this conspiracy. This is a phenomenom that I cannot easily explain, and it may very well take a better part of my remaining 2 weeks or so to provide conclusive evidence regarding this issue.
Alright class dismiss, assholes.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Think happy thoughts, edmund.
Imagine you had to lie infront of your boss with two other friends just so you could attend an important event. You had initially promised to work till the end of Jan, which was why they hired you in the first place. But because of this event you wanted to go so much, you left the company in Jan, where they'd be pretty busy. How would you feel if you're the manager in that branch? How would you feel if you were the one's boycotting?
Imagine the manager of the branch is a friend of your mum, who helped you and 2 other friends get a job. Then you tell your mum to lie to her friend that you needa get off on Jan 1 to go to some school stuff. How would you feel if you're the mum?
Imagine the chalet was confirmed to be on 31 Dec, 1 and 2 Jan, without warning or a chance for you to voice your opionion, or anyone's opionion for that matter. Bam, these are the dates, now fuck off. How would you feel?
I'm really upset about not being able to go to the class chalet, and I'm disappointed that Edward didn't post about the dates beforehand, so people could voice their opionion. Now, Yanchang, Jacky, Theodon and probably Casey and me won't be able to make it to the chalet. Maybe you guys might think, stop whining, and don't be so selfish. Selfish? It's 5 people affected here, and I'd think more.
We tried so hard and pissed off so many people just so we could get off on Jan 1, throwing about responsibilities out of the window, to go to the class chalet we so wanted to go. Pissing off your boss isn't the same as pissing of teachers in case you don't know. Pissing of your superior actually makes you guilty. There's something about superiors that when you piss them off, you get pissed with yourself.
And we thought, " Fuck the guilt, we're going to the class chalet! "
But now we thought, " Fuck the chalet, fuck ourselves. " we got scolded for absolutely nothing.
Yesterday I was teetering between disappointed and upset to downright, fucking pissed, but today I thought about it, and sometimes things just don't go your way. Fuck, I'm probably too used to things going my way.
I'm just upset about the chalet dates, and disappointed in Edward.
Haven't been blogging these few days, been working on a story, and I hope to blog it on December 11, a significant day for me.
Anyway, it's my day off tomorrow! Going to catch Body of Lies with Ariel, Gab, Glenn and Mon. Hahahaha, blood buddies!
Forget it, I don't feel like blogging now, I just keep thinking about the chalet.
Bye, animals.
Imagine the manager of the branch is a friend of your mum, who helped you and 2 other friends get a job. Then you tell your mum to lie to her friend that you needa get off on Jan 1 to go to some school stuff. How would you feel if you're the mum?
Imagine the chalet was confirmed to be on 31 Dec, 1 and 2 Jan, without warning or a chance for you to voice your opionion, or anyone's opionion for that matter. Bam, these are the dates, now fuck off. How would you feel?
I'm really upset about not being able to go to the class chalet, and I'm disappointed that Edward didn't post about the dates beforehand, so people could voice their opionion. Now, Yanchang, Jacky, Theodon and probably Casey and me won't be able to make it to the chalet. Maybe you guys might think, stop whining, and don't be so selfish. Selfish? It's 5 people affected here, and I'd think more.
We tried so hard and pissed off so many people just so we could get off on Jan 1, throwing about responsibilities out of the window, to go to the class chalet we so wanted to go. Pissing off your boss isn't the same as pissing of teachers in case you don't know. Pissing of your superior actually makes you guilty. There's something about superiors that when you piss them off, you get pissed with yourself.
And we thought, " Fuck the guilt, we're going to the class chalet! "
But now we thought, " Fuck the chalet, fuck ourselves. " we got scolded for absolutely nothing.
Yesterday I was teetering between disappointed and upset to downright, fucking pissed, but today I thought about it, and sometimes things just don't go your way. Fuck, I'm probably too used to things going my way.
I'm just upset about the chalet dates, and disappointed in Edward.
Haven't been blogging these few days, been working on a story, and I hope to blog it on December 11, a significant day for me.
Anyway, it's my day off tomorrow! Going to catch Body of Lies with Ariel, Gab, Glenn and Mon. Hahahaha, blood buddies!
Forget it, I don't feel like blogging now, I just keep thinking about the chalet.
Bye, animals.