Sunday, November 30, 2008


Name : adfdso10 ( pronounced tub sum bong )
Age : 16

What do you want most badly now?

and a paramore concert of course.

What were you thinking awhile ago?
About my pokemon cards.

What was the last thing you regretted doing?
Can't remember, been a long time since I regretted something I did.

Last person that called you?

Last person that messaged you?
Nicole T.

What are you dreading most at the moment?
For a certain mr tan to come up to me tomorrow during work, and yell at me.

How are you feeling now?
Annoyed with the pimple.

What's the most eye-catching item in your room?

Unfinished canvas painting

What do you think of that item?
It's going to stay unfinished unless I wake up one day and feel tremendous inspiration to paint, which is very unlikely.

Are you excited about anything now?
Not particaularly.

What's your strangest dislikes?
Putting on your socks, inside out.

What's your strangest likes?
Sitting on the front seat with nobody beside me, on the top floor of a doubledecker bus. Gives me a weird sense of peace and satisfaction.

What's a quote you can remember now?
Remember kids, everything in hardcore is two sizes too small. HAHAHAHAHA, love the video.

What's the biggest turn off for you in the opposite gender?
Smoking, and big tattoos.

What's the first thing you see on the opposite gender?

What song is playing in your head right now?
The same one that you're hearing. Sunday bloody sunday.

What's one word to describe your day?

What's your favourite band?
mcr, paramore.

Any reasons?
mcr makes me happy and paramore makes me smile.

What do you think of the person who made you do this quiz?
Mentally challenged. HAHAHA, bitch.

What's your favourite colours and why?
Black and white, things are simpler this way.

Who do you miss most right now?
Delon. Actually not, hahahahaha! Just remembered my dream of him and weikit fishing.

Who do you confide in?
I don't confide in anyone.

Who's your closest friend?
All equally close.

How did your blog address come about?
Long story. Hahaha, came from a conversation with leonard, and zhenhao. Wanted it to be saturdaymornings, but some person already took it. We were talking about an address just before twelve, and coincidentally 12 is an important number for me.

Do you like your name?
Pretty much.

What's your nickname?
Don't have one, unless you count the... NEVERMIND.

What's the last mistake you made?
Punched my card wrongly, because of Shaohwee the ff.

15 things people don't know about you? Got this from Delon.

1. Studies art outside.
2. Earpieces don't fit into my ear properly.
3. When I was a kid, I sleep walked once, and went to pee on the television set.
4. I can cook spaghetti.
5. I use conditioner from time to time.
6. I secretly like taking photos of stuff.
7. I sketch the view from my window, when I got nothing to do.
8. I eat alot of chocolates.
9. I hate eating animal skin.
10. I adore jackass, but not wildboyz.
11. Brown is my favourite colour behind black and white.
12. I support the greater Manchester side, Manchester City.
13. I support the greater London side, Tottenham Hotspurs.
14. Brunettes > blondes.
15. Graduation was a significant day for me.

10 people?

Basically, to everyone who has read this post, I have already exposed my innnermost self to you. Yes, this quiz has been very personal, and I hope you will return the favour, so I can go back to your blog and understand you a little better. So, in essence, you owe me.

Whoever does not blog this quiz, after reading it, will find that they will lose all their hair in 7 days.

taken from,

" like 5 days a week all spent working. but at least theres e and ting. and we can try to hook up with pretty customers, and stuff like that. ahah. ",

for the record, I do not do that FFS. Shaohwee has issues, which explains the change of name.

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