the trench is dug deep inside our hearts.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Not a day has past
when I don't think about the loss against ac and mj, and how I wasn't capable enough to lead our team to glory
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Son, that's the question
You be the anchor that keeps my feet on the ground, I'll be the wings that keep your heart in the clouds
Sunday, June 20, 2010
morning sunshine
Good morninggggggggg,
Maybe I should restart this journal of mine, since I would've quite a lot of time now I guess.
Been pretty good these days, much more time for myself and all that stuff, but still, exams in less than a weekkkkk.
I don't know if it's my computer, but facebook has a weird layout now, but why? Miss the e4 bubs, miss the good ol' days.
I'm not really posting because I feel like posting, I'm posting only because I want to update this, yes I'm pretty weird.
Mmmhmmm, breakfast please!
Maybe I should restart this journal of mine, since I would've quite a lot of time now I guess.
Been pretty good these days, much more time for myself and all that stuff, but still, exams in less than a weekkkkk.
I don't know if it's my computer, but facebook has a weird layout now, but why? Miss the e4 bubs, miss the good ol' days.
I'm not really posting because I feel like posting, I'm posting only because I want to update this, yes I'm pretty weird.
Mmmhmmm, breakfast please!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
There were two brothers, one of them neat, and the other untidy.
Every morning the neat brother would make his bed for himself, and seeing that his untidy brother didn't, he'd do it for him as well.
Then one day, the untidy brother asked himself why his brother is the one making his bed for him, and from then on, he made his bed himself.
Get your act together, Edmund. All of it.
Every morning the neat brother would make his bed for himself, and seeing that his untidy brother didn't, he'd do it for him as well.
Then one day, the untidy brother asked himself why his brother is the one making his bed for him, and from then on, he made his bed himself.
Get your act together, Edmund. All of it.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
I'm not sleeping enough
My computer is pretty fucked up, something went wrong and after a few restarts my itunes apparently uninstalled itself. It's really stupid to be honest.
I've been sleeping alot lately. I like that I can now take my time to walk around, take my time to shower, take my time to do whatever. But going to be crazy busy come Novmember/December with the Division 4 League and the U19 competition. It's going to be some crazy months. The way I like it.
Chinese A levels on Monday, but I don't seem to have any mood to do papers, or to do anything for that matter.
Oh I've been sleeping alot these days, maybe it's because I don't sleep enough on weekdays. I don;t sleep enough because I stay up late for nothing. That's not a very good thing right?
Lost Cheryl's charger in school when I left it hanging around on Friday, but she said she found it today. Not really the point, but the point is Karma is good. Must have been something good that I did recently. Righttttt, we taupoked Kevin, that has to be it.
I don't think I've been sleeping enough recently, and it's not because of any work that I have to do. I just don't feel like sleeping when I'm free late at night, and then I wake up feeling drowsy the next day.
I like the rain smell. Do you get what I mean?
I'm not getting enough sleep.
I've been sleeping alot lately. I like that I can now take my time to walk around, take my time to shower, take my time to do whatever. But going to be crazy busy come Novmember/December with the Division 4 League and the U19 competition. It's going to be some crazy months. The way I like it.
Chinese A levels on Monday, but I don't seem to have any mood to do papers, or to do anything for that matter.
Oh I've been sleeping alot these days, maybe it's because I don't sleep enough on weekdays. I don;t sleep enough because I stay up late for nothing. That's not a very good thing right?
Lost Cheryl's charger in school when I left it hanging around on Friday, but she said she found it today. Not really the point, but the point is Karma is good. Must have been something good that I did recently. Righttttt, we taupoked Kevin, that has to be it.
I don't think I've been sleeping enough recently, and it's not because of any work that I have to do. I just don't feel like sleeping when I'm free late at night, and then I wake up feeling drowsy the next day.
I like the rain smell. Do you get what I mean?
I'm not getting enough sleep.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Karma bites, and it leaves a bitter taste at the back of your mouth
I'm confined to the house because of my untimely illnesses. I feel like shit, really.
On Facebook a few days ago, I saw the secondary 4s’ graduation day pictures. I didn’t really go into the albums because I don’t know them well. I just thought hard, pretty hard. I think their graduation was the same day as ours. 16 October right.
I remember the queuing at the parade square.
I remember the videos at the hall.
I remember the water guns.
Then I couldn’t remember much more. I know e5 was just beside us so we and the dudes went over for quite abit. But you know, that was pretty much it. Then I thought about Huang lao shi quite abit. Wow, he sure did help us quite abit didn’t he. I was sleeping through his lessons every single fucking day when I was in secondary 3.
Then Kevin keeps talking about this downstairs that he goes to everyday to hang out with his neighbourhood buddies. I keep asking myself what that was, how is it I don’t have any of them.
Then today, just when I was showering, I realized. I realize many things in the shower, it’s not just me right?
Anyway, I remembered that I did indeed have a “downstairs” to go to. When I was still living in Bishan. Bishan is so much more fun to live in than Sengkang. Sengkang is fucking shit I tell you, it doesn’t give you warm heartland love. I use to go to the playground every single day before I moved to Sengkang in 2004. I can’t recall much. But the playground used to be sandy, and then they changed it to rubber. I remember Suan Hin; he was my best buddy then. I heard he went to Catholic High, and then now I’m not sure. It’s funny how I remember exactly how he looks like when I left Bishan. Then there was this bigass park at the back of my house. Man, there used to a load of people there when there were festivals and stuff. I remember lantern festivals the most.
Oh yeah, talking about lanterns, Gab, Glenn and me used to build hugeass fires at my grandmother’s void deck during lantern festival. Fun as fuck!
What’s the point of a blog if you’re just going to talk about things that people will know or probably will know that you’re doing. I say I like blogging about my past.
On Facebook a few days ago, I saw the secondary 4s’ graduation day pictures. I didn’t really go into the albums because I don’t know them well. I just thought hard, pretty hard. I think their graduation was the same day as ours. 16 October right.
I remember the queuing at the parade square.
I remember the videos at the hall.
I remember the water guns.
Then I couldn’t remember much more. I know e5 was just beside us so we and the dudes went over for quite abit. But you know, that was pretty much it. Then I thought about Huang lao shi quite abit. Wow, he sure did help us quite abit didn’t he. I was sleeping through his lessons every single fucking day when I was in secondary 3.
Then Kevin keeps talking about this downstairs that he goes to everyday to hang out with his neighbourhood buddies. I keep asking myself what that was, how is it I don’t have any of them.
Then today, just when I was showering, I realized. I realize many things in the shower, it’s not just me right?
Anyway, I remembered that I did indeed have a “downstairs” to go to. When I was still living in Bishan. Bishan is so much more fun to live in than Sengkang. Sengkang is fucking shit I tell you, it doesn’t give you warm heartland love. I use to go to the playground every single day before I moved to Sengkang in 2004. I can’t recall much. But the playground used to be sandy, and then they changed it to rubber. I remember Suan Hin; he was my best buddy then. I heard he went to Catholic High, and then now I’m not sure. It’s funny how I remember exactly how he looks like when I left Bishan. Then there was this bigass park at the back of my house. Man, there used to a load of people there when there were festivals and stuff. I remember lantern festivals the most.
Oh yeah, talking about lanterns, Gab, Glenn and me used to build hugeass fires at my grandmother’s void deck during lantern festival. Fun as fuck!
What’s the point of a blog if you’re just going to talk about things that people will know or probably will know that you’re doing. I say I like blogging about my past.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
I read through my entire journal yesterday and seeing that there are only 41 posts, it didn’t really take me very long. God damn, there’re really sososososo many things I’m missing right now.
I’ve kinda forgotten how work feels like. I know I didn’t really like it, but working with the two other peeps kept me prettaye happy, I guess. It’s a little weird reading our posts that you don’t even remember writing.
I use to have another journal, but I deleted it after I made this one. It makes me wonder how I would feel if I were to read what I did actually talk about then. Wow, must have lots of embarrassing stuff. What if this journal were to be here till I’m 70? That’ll be pretty awesome. Weird, but this were the kind of stuff I thought about when I read my own journal again.
Hafiz sent me a message a week or so back, during his early morning run. He told me about how much fun we used to have when they came over to Sengkang. I can hardly remember anything about it. Secondary 2 was good. Good old fun.
I’m not really doing much now; I don’t feel like sleeping just yet.
This post must sound really boringass.
I’ve kinda forgotten how work feels like. I know I didn’t really like it, but working with the two other peeps kept me prettaye happy, I guess. It’s a little weird reading our posts that you don’t even remember writing.
I use to have another journal, but I deleted it after I made this one. It makes me wonder how I would feel if I were to read what I did actually talk about then. Wow, must have lots of embarrassing stuff. What if this journal were to be here till I’m 70? That’ll be pretty awesome. Weird, but this were the kind of stuff I thought about when I read my own journal again.
Hafiz sent me a message a week or so back, during his early morning run. He told me about how much fun we used to have when they came over to Sengkang. I can hardly remember anything about it. Secondary 2 was good. Good old fun.
I’m not really doing much now; I don’t feel like sleeping just yet.
This post must sound really boringass.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Well they encourage your complete cooperation,
Send you roses when they think you need to smile.
I can't control myself because I don't know how,
And they love me for it honestly, I'll be here for a while.
So give them blood, blood, gallons of the stuff!
Give them all that they can drink and it will never be enough.
So give them blood, blood, blood.
Grab a glass because there's going to be a flood!
A celebrated man amongst the gurneys.
They can fix me proper with a bit of luck.
The doctors and the nurses they adore me so,
But it's really quite alarming cause I'm such an awful fuck. (Why thank you!)
I gave you blood, blood, gallons of the stuff,
I gave you all that you can drink and it has never been enough.
I gave you blood, blood, blood,
I'm the kind of human wreckage that you love!
Send you roses when they think you need to smile.
I can't control myself because I don't know how,
And they love me for it honestly, I'll be here for a while.
So give them blood, blood, gallons of the stuff!
Give them all that they can drink and it will never be enough.
So give them blood, blood, blood.
Grab a glass because there's going to be a flood!
A celebrated man amongst the gurneys.
They can fix me proper with a bit of luck.
The doctors and the nurses they adore me so,
But it's really quite alarming cause I'm such an awful fuck. (Why thank you!)
I gave you blood, blood, gallons of the stuff,
I gave you all that you can drink and it has never been enough.
I gave you blood, blood, blood,
I'm the kind of human wreckage that you love!
Another day is gone;
Hello beautiful world, I'm lying on my bed on my tummy and typing stuff into my empty blog. I have no idea why I am even doing this. Perhaps I am bored, or that my blog yearns for me. I don't even know what I am typing at all, but i'm feeling kind of good. Recently I've decided
to make full use of my phone by finally updating and all that stuff.
Tadah, here ends my first post, written on my phone, cool much.
to make full use of my phone by finally updating and all that stuff.
Tadah, here ends my first post, written on my phone, cool much.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Hold me now;
Did I ever mention that I go to Flickr often? I used to use it very often for art. There's this person who has a Flickr account that I'd go back to every other week to check on. Here's her url; http://www.flickr.com/photos/twistofkate/page1/ Personally, I think she takes really awesome pictures. Her photographs makes me feel kinda good. I don't know why I like her pictures, I think it's the same way I like sitting at the front of a double decker bus.
I kinda missed my ex maths tuition teacher, damn he sure was pretty awesome in a kickass sorta way. He gives such good advise. (:
Missed Talent time for Floorball orientation, but floorball orientation was pretty cool. Kenneth's band got third, woooooooots. HengJian was showing me the Manchester United - Liverpool match on the way home in 87, and he must've been to happy, since he left his stick in the bus. HAHAHA THAT'S FOR SUPPORTING CHELSEA, FOOL. Lucky for him, a super kind person by the name of edmund decided to return the stick to him. Still upset about Manchester United's and Manchester City's losses. GOD, WHY DO YOU HATE ME?
PTTSH, I don't really have much to blog about. It kinda feels like wanting to take a dump, but you only fart.
I kinda missed my ex maths tuition teacher, damn he sure was pretty awesome in a kickass sorta way. He gives such good advise. (:
Missed Talent time for Floorball orientation, but floorball orientation was pretty cool. Kenneth's band got third, woooooooots. HengJian was showing me the Manchester United - Liverpool match on the way home in 87, and he must've been to happy, since he left his stick in the bus. HAHAHA THAT'S FOR SUPPORTING CHELSEA, FOOL. Lucky for him, a super kind person by the name of edmund decided to return the stick to him. Still upset about Manchester United's and Manchester City's losses. GOD, WHY DO YOU HATE ME?
PTTSH, I don't really have much to blog about. It kinda feels like wanting to take a dump, but you only fart.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Seize the day;
Right now, I'm kinda enjoying jc though there's alot of stuff that needs to be done. I go into the lecture and come out not understanding anything, HAHAHA. I've barely had time left for myself. Now I'm working hard to try and get into the senior floorball team, though the chances are really slim with the j2s looking so sturdy.
I also kinda like taking the bus home now, and no matter how much stuff I've got to do, I'll always make it a point not to do anything on the bus. I like it when I just sit on the bus and do nothing and watch it drive pass. That doesn't mean I'm gay or weird, that doesn't make me gay right? HAHAH, and I've realised that many of my team mates listen to old school rock like ac/dc, nirvana, and led zepplin. AWESOME.
I've been training on my running, making it a point to run 2.4 at least twice a week. And I've also realised that there's no way that punggol park is 2.4, it has gotta be shorter. In zhonghua, when you run 11min, you're pretty okay. But I found out that in tjc, YOU'RE A PUSSY. I've got a couple of people in my class that can run 9mins flat, GOD DAMN.
I like my class now, but I still tend to miss people in zhonghua.
I miss punching Sugan in the arms;
I miss trying to push Hafiz around;
I miss having spasms when I score in fifa07 on Casey's xbox;
I miss the look Theodon would give me when he spot someone pretty;
I miss slapping YuLiang everywhere;
I miss Shaun and the stuff he used to say to me and the late nights;
There's still somemore, but they're too embarassing to be put up here.
I also kinda like taking the bus home now, and no matter how much stuff I've got to do, I'll always make it a point not to do anything on the bus. I like it when I just sit on the bus and do nothing and watch it drive pass. That doesn't mean I'm gay or weird, that doesn't make me gay right? HAHAH, and I've realised that many of my team mates listen to old school rock like ac/dc, nirvana, and led zepplin. AWESOME.
I've been training on my running, making it a point to run 2.4 at least twice a week. And I've also realised that there's no way that punggol park is 2.4, it has gotta be shorter. In zhonghua, when you run 11min, you're pretty okay. But I found out that in tjc, YOU'RE A PUSSY. I've got a couple of people in my class that can run 9mins flat, GOD DAMN.
I like my class now, but I still tend to miss people in zhonghua.
I miss punching Sugan in the arms;
I miss trying to push Hafiz around;
I miss having spasms when I score in fifa07 on Casey's xbox;
I miss the look Theodon would give me when he spot someone pretty;
I miss slapping YuLiang everywhere;
I miss Shaun and the stuff he used to say to me and the late nights;
There's still somemore, but they're too embarassing to be put up here.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Once you've had a taste.
Thinking Of You - Katy Perry
Okay, I'm not even going to lie and say that I don't listen to this song 10 times a day. I swear I'm not gay, really.
Anyway, we had roadrun yesterday, which was like a 5.1km run and for all of you people that haven't seen me in awhile, I'm now wearing xxxl t shirts, with a belly, full of fast food. Some people thought that I've been perpetually frowning, but they don't know I can't control the shape of my double chin. Hell, that'd explain why I can't run anymore. I used to be able to run 2.4 km 7 mins flat, promise. BEAT THIS JACKIE. But really, it's time to do some running. I'm promising myself.
Okay, I'm going go chill with my imaginary friend, bob now.
Okay, I'm not even going to lie and say that I don't listen to this song 10 times a day. I swear I'm not gay, really.
Anyway, we had roadrun yesterday, which was like a 5.1km run and for all of you people that haven't seen me in awhile, I'm now wearing xxxl t shirts, with a belly, full of fast food. Some people thought that I've been perpetually frowning, but they don't know I can't control the shape of my double chin. Hell, that'd explain why I can't run anymore. I used to be able to run 2.4 km 7 mins flat, promise. BEAT THIS JACKIE. But really, it's time to do some running. I'm promising myself.
Okay, I'm going go chill with my imaginary friend, bob now.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I found this video pretty funny and entertaining.
I found this personality on youtube by the name of katem3, and I think she's great. I like her hair, her voice and her accent. I sincerely hope she gets famous real soon, like that digby girl on youtube.
I personally like this one quite alot.
Since, Decode is so hot right now.
My favourite or her original songs. I really think this one is mtv-worthy. She looks like she's dressed to go to some fancy reastuarant or something. Maybe many people in England goes to the shower with their guitars and records their originals before leaving for some fancy place. Weird, but kinda cool still.
I've been thinking of taking up guitar, and if I'm trying to find someone to teach me. I don't like going for lessons cause it's like you have to be committed and all. Theodon also reckons that I'll make lotsa bad mistakes if I were to learn by myself.
Been having lots of fun this dew days, and it has been awesome, except nights out make you feel groggy the next day.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wear your heart at your sleeve.
2008 had been beautiful year. There was some ups and downs but there were many more ups. 2008 is probably going to be the year I'm going to miss most, even more than 2004, when I graduated from primary school.
08 was just so wonderful. School had been great, and I had so much, so much fun during ncc, and with the bros. People grow closer and it really has been a very heartening year. It kinda made me feel strange knowing that after we get our results we'd be pretty much going our seperate ways. I won't be seeing like Tinghao or Theodon every other day. Instead it'd be like every other month. I'm kinda excited about meeting new people and all, but it just feels a little funny. Everyone feels like that, I'm sure of that.
There's so much to write about 2008, but detailing it all down would be crazy. Anyway, the fondest things are kept as memories. I'm so looking forward to 09!
2008 was the year I'd very much rememeber forever.
I love you people.
08 was just so wonderful. School had been great, and I had so much, so much fun during ncc, and with the bros. People grow closer and it really has been a very heartening year. It kinda made me feel strange knowing that after we get our results we'd be pretty much going our seperate ways. I won't be seeing like Tinghao or Theodon every other day. Instead it'd be like every other month. I'm kinda excited about meeting new people and all, but it just feels a little funny. Everyone feels like that, I'm sure of that.
There's so much to write about 2008, but detailing it all down would be crazy. Anyway, the fondest things are kept as memories. I'm so looking forward to 09!
2008 was the year I'd very much rememeber forever.
I love you people.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Keeping faith, having heart.
Jacky : " Edmund, look how cool I am now. "
Theodon thinks : " I'm artsy, are you? "
Edmund : " BALLS! "
Jacky : " Huh? "
Yanchang : *clutches tightly*
Casey: " Give me a reason to believe. "
Casey : *Flashes innocently* " Huh? "
Yanchang : " OMFG. Better hide them! "
Edmund : " PPPTSSH. "
Yanchang have appeared to be about to sneeze, but in actual fact, I think he's enjoying my touch.
Yanchang : *SPITS*
Casey : " Useless @^$%#&^$%@ "
Edmund : " That was a great piss. "
Jacky : " Huh? You're shitting me right? I just swallowed some.. "
Yanchang sings : " I believe I can fly. "
Casey : " I'm Casillas! "
Edmund : " That went far, dude. "
Jacky : " So you still think you're cooler than me? "
Edmund : " Okay, I want a badass sandcastle, complete with swimming pool, electricity, two porsches, and a dragon. OMFG, MORE SAND, MORE SAND, MORE SAND! "
Edmund : " Wahlao, why the flash so bright? "
Kexuan : " What happening? " *smiles*
Edmund : *forces shy smile*
Theodon : " Cannot take it lah, the flash! "
Yanchang : " HEHEHEHE. "
Kexuan : " What happening? " *smiles*
Edmund : " Can. "
Kexuan : " What happening? " *smiles*
The above pictures are taken on 26/12/08.
All but the last three pictures were also candid. None of the actual conversations actually took place.
It was all entirely made up, and any smilarities are purely coincidental.
It was from Yanchang's 8.1 PIXOR phone, but I'll post Kexuan's pictures soon.
Okay, I hope the above entertained you for a minute or so. So, go waste your time and electricity on someone elses' blog now.
Monday, December 22, 2008
I don't usually describe things as sweet, but I came across this website that has an online story and I was kinda drawn to the story. Maybe it's not awesome or brilliant like some books but it has the local allure that I love. This are the kind of stories that makes me want to start writing stories. Now I kinda know how Yenling feels when she writes those wonderful stories.
I think the stories' sweet and teenagers will probably like it. It has the correct amount of twist and has this perfect flow. The website only gives about half the story so I think I'll be purchasing the book. There's only one place in Singapore that sells it, and it's a Plaza Singapura's Toy Outpost. Damn I was there a few weeks back.
Anyway I certainly liked the story enough to want to buy the book which is valued roughly at 15 moolahs. And I hope you readers that clicks the link below likes it as much as I did.
I think the stories' sweet and teenagers will probably like it. It has the correct amount of twist and has this perfect flow. The website only gives about half the story so I think I'll be purchasing the book. There's only one place in Singapore that sells it, and it's a Plaza Singapura's Toy Outpost. Damn I was there a few weeks back.
Anyway I certainly liked the story enough to want to buy the book which is valued roughly at 15 moolahs. And I hope you readers that clicks the link below likes it as much as I did.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Creaky Boards.
Alex sent me this few messages awhile ago. He was so nice at first. ): Below are his exact words.
Alex says:
Hello friends, Alex's here. I'm setting up a tuition centre at Yishun ChongPang central. If you have any sec 3/4 students asking for e/a maths. chem, bio tuition do let me know ;D
I said something I can't rememeber.
Alex says:
Hey darling help me leave a friendster comment on my centre's friendster. I lurbe euu only euu noe.
I said something I can't remember.
Alex says:
Hahaha fuck u ingrate !!!!!
Alex was my Amaths and Emaths tutor this year, and he'd come to my place twice a week to watch soccer and tell me about his soccer bettings, opps, I mean to tutor me Maths. He's more of a big brother actually. Now, I kinda miss him and his bullshit. Chances are that I'd probably not see him anytime soon.
Also, I met Delon in Kovan a few days back. It goes like this. I was walking through the Kovan mrt station underpass and as usual, there's a horde or people going in the opposite direction. So as I was walking I suddenly heard someone shout out a short, deep and raspy " Edmund! "
Memory prickled and I turned and saw Delon right there, still a few cm's shorter than me. Man, it has been so long since I've seen him in real life. After he said his first words I knew I was talking to my P5 sit-next-to-me buddy. Caught up a little bit before promising to meet up sometime. He said I look like a businessman in my t-shirt and shorts, going to my cousins' place.
Anyway, his first two words after I turned around turned out to be, " Ehhhh, fucker! "
I found out that of all the different races or customers I have served in Popular, and I've served chinese, malays, indians, korean, japanese and god knows what. I can safely say that Malay customers are the friendliest. They pat your back, in a "good job" manner and they don't call you "eh" or "oi". They called me by my name, after looking at my nametag. I've only had 3 customers which turned out to be malay, call me like that. It kinda feels good when they call you by your name.
Had been half-thinking about piercing my lip after seeing Josh from Paramore with it, but scrapped the idea pretty quickly because my parents would probably burn the house down, cut me open and eat my insides if I were to do it. And there'd be a funny hole on the bottom left-side lip if I do get to jc. Lastly, I'd probably regret in 10 years' time. SHIZZ, I can't believe I actually entertained such thoughts like piercing. I'm going to meditate to clense myself right now.
I've been thinking of getting an iphone or an ipod touch with my pay. But I can't really decide which one I want to get, since I'm also going to have to change my phone. Theodon's got his macbook, Jacky's saving his pay till the day he gets married, and I want to get either of this hawt stuff.
Saw a Black Sabbath Converse music collection sneaker at vivo a few days back and I thought of getting it, once I get my pay. Gosh, now I'm kinda turned on thinking about the money I'll be getting. Was thinking of getting the black or the white-ish one at the back.
Fuck, I sound like a girl now, I hope I'm not gay. Okay goodnight and go to sleep guys.
Alex says:
Hello friends, Alex's here. I'm setting up a tuition centre at Yishun ChongPang central. If you have any sec 3/4 students asking for e/a maths. chem, bio tuition do let me know ;D
I said something I can't rememeber.
Alex says:
Hey darling help me leave a friendster comment on my centre's friendster. I lurbe euu only euu noe.
I said something I can't remember.
Alex says:
Hahaha fuck u ingrate !!!!!
Alex was my Amaths and Emaths tutor this year, and he'd come to my place twice a week to watch soccer and tell me about his soccer bettings, opps, I mean to tutor me Maths. He's more of a big brother actually. Now, I kinda miss him and his bullshit. Chances are that I'd probably not see him anytime soon.
Also, I met Delon in Kovan a few days back. It goes like this. I was walking through the Kovan mrt station underpass and as usual, there's a horde or people going in the opposite direction. So as I was walking I suddenly heard someone shout out a short, deep and raspy " Edmund! "
Memory prickled and I turned and saw Delon right there, still a few cm's shorter than me. Man, it has been so long since I've seen him in real life. After he said his first words I knew I was talking to my P5 sit-next-to-me buddy. Caught up a little bit before promising to meet up sometime. He said I look like a businessman in my t-shirt and shorts, going to my cousins' place.
Anyway, his first two words after I turned around turned out to be, " Ehhhh, fucker! "
I found out that of all the different races or customers I have served in Popular, and I've served chinese, malays, indians, korean, japanese and god knows what. I can safely say that Malay customers are the friendliest. They pat your back, in a "good job" manner and they don't call you "eh" or "oi". They called me by my name, after looking at my nametag. I've only had 3 customers which turned out to be malay, call me like that. It kinda feels good when they call you by your name.
Had been half-thinking about piercing my lip after seeing Josh from Paramore with it, but scrapped the idea pretty quickly because my parents would probably burn the house down, cut me open and eat my insides if I were to do it. And there'd be a funny hole on the bottom left-side lip if I do get to jc. Lastly, I'd probably regret in 10 years' time. SHIZZ, I can't believe I actually entertained such thoughts like piercing. I'm going to meditate to clense myself right now.
I've been thinking of getting an iphone or an ipod touch with my pay. But I can't really decide which one I want to get, since I'm also going to have to change my phone. Theodon's got his macbook, Jacky's saving his pay till the day he gets married, and I want to get either of this hawt stuff.
Saw a Black Sabbath Converse music collection sneaker at vivo a few days back and I thought of getting it, once I get my pay. Gosh, now I'm kinda turned on thinking about the money I'll be getting. Was thinking of getting the black or the white-ish one at the back.

Fuck, I sound like a girl now, I hope I'm not gay. Okay goodnight and go to sleep guys.