Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hold me now;

Did I ever mention that I go to Flickr often? I used to use it very often for art. There's this person who has a Flickr account that I'd go back to every other week to check on. Here's her url; http://www.flickr.com/photos/twistofkate/page1/ Personally, I think she takes really awesome pictures. Her photographs makes me feel kinda good. I don't know why I like her pictures, I think it's the same way I like sitting at the front of a double decker bus.

I kinda missed my ex maths tuition teacher, damn he sure was pretty awesome in a kickass sorta way. He gives such good advise. (:

Missed Talent time for Floorball orientation, but floorball orientation was pretty cool. Kenneth's band got third, woooooooots. HengJian was showing me the Manchester United - Liverpool match on the way home in 87, and he must've been to happy, since he left his stick in the bus. HAHAHA THAT'S FOR SUPPORTING CHELSEA, FOOL. Lucky for him, a super kind person by the name of edmund decided to return the stick to him. Still upset about Manchester United's and Manchester City's losses. GOD, WHY DO YOU HATE ME?

PTTSH, I don't really have much to blog about. It kinda feels like wanting to take a dump, but you only fart.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Seize the day;

Right now, I'm kinda enjoying jc though there's alot of stuff that needs to be done. I go into the lecture and come out not understanding anything, HAHAHA. I've barely had time left for myself. Now I'm working hard to try and get into the senior floorball team, though the chances are really slim with the j2s looking so sturdy.

I also kinda like taking the bus home now, and no matter how much stuff I've got to do, I'll always make it a point not to do anything on the bus. I like it when I just sit on the bus and do nothing and watch it drive pass. That doesn't mean I'm gay or weird, that doesn't make me gay right? HAHAH, and I've realised that many of my team mates listen to old school rock like ac/dc, nirvana, and led zepplin. AWESOME.

I've been training on my running, making it a point to run 2.4 at least twice a week. And I've also realised that there's no way that punggol park is 2.4, it has gotta be shorter. In zhonghua, when you run 11min, you're pretty okay. But I found out that in tjc, YOU'RE A PUSSY. I've got a couple of people in my class that can run 9mins flat, GOD DAMN.

I like my class now, but I still tend to miss people in zhonghua.
I miss punching Sugan in the arms;
I miss trying to push Hafiz around;
I miss having spasms when I score in fifa07 on Casey's xbox;
I miss the look Theodon would give me when he spot someone pretty;
I miss slapping YuLiang everywhere;
I miss Shaun and the stuff he used to say to me and the late nights;

There's still somemore, but they're too embarassing to be put up here.